domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014

Deberes de verano en ingles, Summer homework english

     Daily or usual rutines (Accions diàries o amb una certa freqüència)
Subject + Verb (Acabat –s en He, She, it) + Complements.
I wake up at seven o’clock in the morning every day.
Michael studies English at the University.
Subject + don’t (doesn’t si és He, she o it) + Complements.
I don’t wake up at seven o’clock in the morning every day.
Michael doesn’t study English at the University.
Do (Does si és He, She o it) + Subject+ Verb + Complements.
Do you wake up at seven o’clock in the morning every day?
Does Michael study English at the University?
  • De vegades hi ha adverbis, els quals haurien d’anar entre el subjecte i el verb:
always go to the library in the afternoon.
You never call me back.
Does he sometimes help you?
Escriu 5 oracions en Present Simple que tinguin adverbis.
1. I always go to sleep at twelve o’clock.
2. You sometimes watch before cross the street.
3. We often have homework.
4. They rarely study before an exam.
5. She usually win.
Escriu oracions en afirmativa, negativa i interrogativa en Present Simple:
-I/go/to sleep/early.
-A I go to sleep early
-N I don’t go to sleep early
-I Does I go to sleep early?
-The classes/start/ at 8 o’clock.
-A The classes start at 8 o’clock
-N The classes don’t start at 8 o’clock
-I Do the classes start at 8 o’clock?
-My cousin/speak/English.
-A My cousin speaks English
-N My cousin doesn’t speak English
-I Does my cousin speak English?
-Your parents/travel/ a lot.
-A Your parents travel a lot.
-N Your parents don’t travel a lot.
-I Do your parents travel a lot?
-His friend/go/to the gym.
-A His friend goes to the gym.
-N His friends doesn’t go to the gym.
-I Does his friends go to the gym?
-A You like the cinema
-F You don’t like the cinema
-I Do you like the cinema?
-We/have/summer homework.
-A We have summer homework
-N We don’t have summer homework
-I Do we have summer homework?
-You/have/Maths class /in the afternoon.
-A You have Maths class in the afternoon.
-N You don’t have Maths class in the afternoon.
-I Have you Maths class in the afternoon?
-Our neighbours/shout/loud.
-A Our neightbours shout loud.
-N Our neighbours don’t shout loud.
-I Do our neightbours shout loud?
-They/get/the bus/at half past five.
-A They get the bus at half past five.
-N They don’t get the bus at half past five.
-I Did they get the bus at half past five?
El Present Continuous o Present Progressive s’utilitza per a accions que estem fent o que estan passant en aquest mateix moment.
Subject + Be (Present Simple) + Verb –ING + Complements.
I am writing in English.
My friend is chatting on the Internet.
Subject + Be (Present Simple Negative) + Verb –ING + Complements.
I’m not writing in English.
My friend isn’t chatting on the Internet.
Be (Present Simple) + Subject + Verb –ING + Complements+ ?
Am I writing in English?Are you writing in English?
Is my friend chatting on the Internet?
Completa les següents oracions en Present Continuous en afirmativa, negativa i interrogativa:
-María/write/a letter/ to her friend.
-A Maria is writing a letter to her friend.
-N Maria isn’t writing a letter to her friend.
-I Is Maria writing a letter to her friend.
-A You are having breakfast
-N You aren’t having breakfast
-I Are you having breakfast?
-Our friends/come/here.
-A Our friends are coming here
-N Our friends aren’t coming here
-I Are our friends coming here?
-I/listen/to music.
-A I am listening to music
-N I’m not listening to music
-I Am I listening to music?
-My mum/cook/something good.
-A My mum is cooking something good.
-N My mum isn’t cooking something good.
-I Is my mum cooking something good?
-The dog/bark/too loud.
-A The dog is barking too loud.
-N The dog isn’t barking too loud.
-I Is the dog barking too loud?
-I/do/some homework.
-A I am doing some homework.
-N I am not doing some homework
-I Am I doing some homework?
-Our neighbours/shout/ too loud.
-A Our neighbours are shouting too loud.
-N Our neighbours aren’t shouting too loud.
-I Are our neighbours shouting too loud?
-The students/pay/attention/to the teacher.
-A The students are paying attention to the teacher.
-N The students aren’t paying attention to the teacher.
-I Are the students paying attention to the teacher?
-The teacher/explain/the lesson/to the students.
Es fa servir per a expressar accions acabades del passat.
Si és un verb REGULAR, simplement caldrà afegir –ED al verb. Si és IRREGULAR, serà la 2a columna de la llista de verbs IRREGULARS.
Regular Verbs: Subject + Verb –ED+ Complements.
I finishED my summer homework yesterday.
We startED our holidays last Friday.
Irregular Verbs: Subject + Verb (2a Columna)+ Complements.
My parents bought me a new computer.
My friends went to Illa Fantasia.
Subject + DIDN’T (did +not)+ Verb + Complements.
I didn’t finish my summer homework yesterday.
We didn’t start hour holidays last Friday.
My parents didn’t buy me a new computer.
My friends didn’tgo to Illa Fantasia.
Completa les oracions següents en afirmativa, negativa i interrogativa del Past Simple:
-I/get up/ at 9/ yesterday.
-AI got up at 9 yesterday
-N I didn’t get up at 9 yesterday.
-I Did I get up at 9 yesterday?
-You/have/breakfast/with me.
-A You had breakfast whit me.
-N You didn’t have breakfast with me.
-I Did you have breakfast with me?
-Michael/call/you/last week.
-A Michael called you last week
-N Michael didn’t call you last week
-I Did Michael call you last week?
-We/visit/the museum/on Sunday.
-A We visited the museum on Sunday.
-N We didn’t visit the museum on Sunday.
-I Did we visit the museum on Sunday?
-Your friends/tell/the truth.
-A Your friends told the truth.
-N Your friends didn’t tell the truth.
-I Did your friends tell the truth?
-The dog/eat/your meal.
-A The dog ate your meal.
-N The dog didn’t eat your meal.
-I Did the dog eat your meal?
-Sara and Sandra/hear/you speaking.
-A Sara and Sandra heard you speaking.
-N Sandra and Sara didn’t hear you speaking.
-I Did Sandra and Sara hear you speaking?
-My neighbours/go to sleep/up to 4 o’clock.
-A My neighbours went to sleep up to 4 o’clock.
-N My neighbours didn’t go to sleep up to 4 o’clock
-I Did my neighbours go to sleep up to 4 o’clock?
-They/show/me/their House.
-A They showed me their house
-N They didn’t show me their house
-I Did they show me their house?
-I/watch/House/last night.
-A I watched House last night.
-N I didn’t watch House last night.
-I Did I watch House last night?
Ús: Accions que es van donar o que van tenir lloc en moment molt determinat del passat, és a dir, expressa el moment del procés de l’acció en passat.
De vegades l’acció en Passat Continu pot ser interrompuda per una altra acció en Passat Simple. Això és, una acció en Past Simple pot interrompre una acció en Past Continuous.
Subject + WAS/WERE + Verb –ING+ Complements.
I was studying English yesterday afternoon.
Pedro was having dinner when I called him. (Pedro estava sopant quan li vaig trucar).
Subject+ WASN’T /WEREN’T+ Verb –ING + Complements.
Pedro wasn’t having dinner when I called him.
I wasn’t studying English yesterday afternoon.
WAS/WERE + Subject+ Verb –ING + Complements + ?
Was Pedro having dinner when I called him?
Were you studying English yesterday afternoon?
Completa les següents oracions en Past Simple en afirmativa, negativa i interrogativa:
-You/play football/yesterday afternoon.
-A You where playing football yesterday afternoon.
-N You weren’t playing football yesterday afternoon.
-I Were you playing football yesterday afternoon.
-I/dance/in the disco/on Saturday night.
-A I was dancing in the disco on Saturday night.
-N I wasn’t dancing in the disco on Saturday night
-I Was I dancing in the disco on Saturday night?
-The students/discuss/about the exam when the teacher arrived.
-A The students were discussing about the exam when the teacher arrived.
-N The students weren’t discussing about the exam when the teacher arrived.
-I Were the students discussing about the exam when the teacher arrived?
-The weather/get/cold when we got home.
-A The weather was getting cold when we got home.
-N The weather wasn’t getting cold when we got home.
-I Was the weather getting cold when we got home?
-The subject/get/more and more difficult.
-A The subject was getting more and more difficult.
-N The subject wasn’t getting more and more difficult.
-I Was the subject getting more and more difficult?
-I/try/to call you last week.
-A I was trying to call you last week.
-N I wasn’t trying to call you last week.
-I Was I trying to call you last week?
-You/listen/to me when I told you the truth.
-A You were listening to me when I told you the truth.
-N You weren’t listening to me when I told you the truth.
-I Were you listening to me when I told the truth?
-The film/become/more interesting.
-A The film was becoming more interesting.
-N The film wasn’t becoming more interesting.
-I Where the film becoming more interesting?
-The Police/start/to believe/him.
-A The Police were starting to believe him.
-N The Police weren’t starting to believe him.
-I Were the Police starting to believe him?
-When I called you, you/chat/on the Internet.
-A When I called you, you were chatting on the internet.
-N When I called you, you weren’t chatting on the internet.
-I When I called you, were you chatting on the interent?
Ús: Accions acabades o del passat, que tenen relació amb el present.
Regular Verbs: Subject + HAVE/HAS (He, she, it) + Participle (verb-ED)+ Complements.
Simon has finished his homework this morning.
You have arrived at half past six.
Irregular Verbs: Subject + HAVE/HAS (He, she, it) + Participle (verb 3rd column) + Complements
Sandra has broken her leg.
I have bought a new pair of shoes in the shopping centre.
Subject + haven’t/hasn’t (he, she, it) + Participle+ Complements.
I haven’t studied for the English test.
My friends haven’t come to the trip.
Have/has (he, she, it) + Subject+ Participle+ Complements + ?
Has Michael gone to the trip?
Have you bought a new pair of shoes?
Sovint el Present Perfect va acompanyat d’adverbis com just (acció acabada recentment), ever (sempre en interrogativa: alguna vegada), never (no es pot utilitzar amb verb en negativa: es tradueix per “mai”). Aquests adverbis van entre l’auxiliar (have) i el participi en les oracions afirmatives i negatives, però en el cas de les interrogatives, van entre el subjecte i el participi.
I’ve just finished my homework. (Acabo d’acabar els deures).
I’ve never been to Portugal. (Mai he estat a Portugal).
Have you ever been to England? (Has estat alguna vegada a Anglaterra?)

Completa les següents oracions en Present Perfect en afirmativa, negativa i interrogativa:
-I/wake up/at 7.
-A I have woken up at 7.
-N I haven’t woken up at 7.
-I Have I wake up at 7?
-Sam/eat/an apple this morning.
-A Sam eaten an apple this morning.
-N Sam hasn’t eaten an apple this morning.
-I Have Sam eat an apple this morning?
-You/study/for the test.
-A You have studied for the test.
-N You haven’t studied for the test.
-I Have you study for the test?
-Chris/phone/my friends.
-A Chris have phoned my friends
-N Chris haven’t phoned my friends.
-I Have Chris phoned my friends?
-Júlia/read/a fabulous book.
-A Julia read a fabulous book
-N Julia haven’t read a fabulous book.
-I Have Julia read a fabulous book?
-Your parents/go/to the cinema.
-A Your parents gone to the cinema
-N Your parents haven’t gone to the cinema
-I Have your parents go to the cinema?
-The students/talk/to much.
-A The students talked too much
-N The students haven’t talked too much
-I Have the students talked too much?
-The teacher/explain/the lesson.
-A The teacher explained the lesson
-N The teacher haven’t explained the lesson
-I Have the teacher explained the lesson?
-The computer/break down/.
-A The computer broke down
-N The computer haven’t broke down
-I Have the computer broke down?
-I/pass/all my exams.
-A I passed all my exams
-N I haven’t passed all my exams
-I Have I passed all my exams?
Ús: S’utilitza per a expressar accions del futur.
Subject+ WILL+ Verb + Complements
Àlex will spend his holidays in London.
Subject + WON’T (Will not) + Verb + Complements.
Àlex won’t spend his holidays in London.

Will + Subject+ Verb + Complements + ?
Will Àlex spend his holidays in London?
Completa les següents oracions en futur en afirmativa, negativa i interrogativa:
-You/enjoy/your holidays.
-A You will enjoy your holidays
-N You won’t enjoy your holidays.
-I Will you enjoy your holidays?
-Your parents/travel/to the coast.
-A Your parents will travel to the coast.
-N Your parents won’t travel to the coast.
-I Will your parents travel to the coast?
-Your friends/spend/the holidays/in a summer camp.
-A Your friends will spend the holidays in a summer camp.
-N Your friends won’t spend the holidays in a summer camp.
-I Will your friends spend the holidays in a summer camp?
-We/get up/late/in the morning.
-A We will get up late in the morning.
-N We won’t get up late in the morning.
-I Will we get up late in the morning?
-Our cousins/visit/us/these holidays.
-A Our cousins will visit us these holidays.
-N Our cousins won’t visit us these holidays.
-I Will our cousins visit us these holidays?
-You / rest/ too much.
-A You will rest too much
-N You won’t rest too much
-I Will you rest too much?
-You/practice/adventure sports
-A You wil practice adventure sports.
-N You won’t practice adventure sports.
-I Will you practice adventure sports?
-You/listen/many songs/on the radio.
-A You will listen many songs on the radio.
-N You won’t listen many songs on the radio.
-I Will you listen many songs on the rado?
-You/read/some books/for holidays.
-A You will read some books for holidays.
-N You won’t read some books for holidays.
-I Will you read some books for holidays?
-You/come/ready to study/much/in September.
-A You will come ready to study much in September.
-N You won’t come ready to study much in September.
-I Will you come ready to study much in September?

-Prepara una llista amb el vocabulari més important de cada tema i la seva traducció (adjectius físics i de personalitat, delictes, tasques de casa, esports d’aventura, etc.).
Unit 1
Drawing -> Dibuixant
Chess -> Escacs
Cooking -> Cuinar
Cycling -> Anar en bicicleta
Magazines -> Revistes
Unit 2
Exhausted -> Exhaust
Relaxed -> Relaxat
Surprised -> Sorpres
Scared -> Espantat
Confused -> Confos
Unit 3
Drug dealing -> Trafic de drogues
Theft -> Crim
Murder -> Assasí
Joyriding -> Conducció Temeraria
Shoplifting -> Robar a les botigues
Unit 4
Vacum cleaner -> Aspiradora
Washing Machine -> Rentadora
Dustbin -> Paperera
Ironing Board -> Taula de planxar
Cooker -> Cuina
Unit 5
Brave -> Indomable
Hard-working -> Treballar molt
Ambitious -> Ambicios
Dark-skinned -> Pell fosca
Long.legged -> Cames llargues
Unit 6
Base jumping -> Saltar amb paracaigudes
Kayacking -> Anar en kayak
Waterskiing -> Esquí Acuàtic
Windsurfing -> Windsurf
Snorkelling -> Inmersió sense oxygen
Unit 7
Bank -> Banc
Post office -> Oficina de correus
Hairdresser’s -> Perruqueria
Travel agent’s -> Agència de viatges
Difficult -> Dificil
     Unit 8
Blu-ray player -> Reproductor de blu-ray
Camcorder -> Videocamara
Games console -> Videoconsola
Digital photo frame -> Marc de fotos digital
Wireless headset -> Altaveus sense fils
Unit 9
Mushrooms -> Bolets
Cheese -> Formatge
Potatoes -> Patates
Beef -> Carn
Tomato -> Tomàquet

-Escriu un petit text en què expliquis què has fet o què faràs aquest estiu. Has de tenir present l’escriguis, ho hauràs de fer amb un temps o amb un altre que depenent de quan.

This summer I have gone to a lot of places in Spain. First, I have gone to my village for a few days. Later, I have visited Madrid. There, we were at the park El Buen Retiro and visited the famous museum El Prado.
The next day, we went to “El Escorial” and in the afternoon we visited El Valle de los Caídos and the aqueduct of Segovia.
On the third day, I visited the Aranjuez palace and its gardens. Also we took a boat on the river Tagus.
The fourth day we visited Toledo city and its cathedral.
The last day, we saw the ruins of Numancia and the museum at Soria. Then, we returned to my village and went to home.

-Finalment, busca cinc cançons en anglès que t’agradin i digues quins temps verbals hi contenen.

Infinity – Guru Josh project
Here's ( Present Simple ) my key
A freak like me
Just needs ( Present Simple ) infinity

Relax ( Imperative )
Take ( Imperative ) your time

And take ( Imperative ) your time
To trust ( Infinitive ) in me
And you will find ( Future )
Infinity, infinity

And take ( Imperative ) your time
To trust ( Infinitive ) in me
And you will find ( Future )
Infinity, infinity

The time goes by ( Present Simple )
So naturally
While you'll receive ( Future )

Here's ( Present Simple ) my key
A freak like me
Just needs ( Present Simple ) infinity

Relax ( Imperative )
Take ( Imperative ) your time

And take ( Imperative ) your time
To trust ( Infinitive ) in me
And you will find ( Future )
Infinity, infinity, infinity, infinity, infinity, infinity, infinity

And take ( Imperative ) your time
To trust ( Infinitive ) in me
And you will find ( Future )

The time goes by ( Present Simple )
So naturally
While you'll receive ( Future )

This is the life – Amy McDonald

Oh the wind whistles ( Present Simple ) down
The cold dark street tonight
And the people they were dancing ( Past Continuous ) to the music vibe
And the boys chase ( Present Simple ) the girls with the curls in their hair
While the shy tormented youth sit ( Present Simple ) way over there
And the songs they get ( Present Simple ) louder
Each one better than before

And you're singing ( Present Continuous ) the songs
Thinking ( Gerund ) this is the life
And you wake up ( Present Simple ) in the morning and your head feel        
( Present Simple ) twice the size
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ? Where you gonna
( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ?
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) sleep ( Infinitive ) tonight?

And you're singing ( Present Continuous ) the songs
Thinking ( Gerund ) this is the life
And you wake up ( Present Simple ) in the morning and your head feel       
( Present Simple ) twice the size
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ? Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ?
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) sleep ( Infinitive ) tonight?

So you’re heading  ( Present Continuous ) down the road in your taxi for four
And you're waiting ( Present Continuous )  outside Jimmy's front door
But nobody's ( Present Simple ) in and nobody's ( Present Simple ) home 'til four
So you're sitting ( Present Continuous ) there with nothing to do                          ( Infinitive )
Talking ( Gerund ) about Robert Riger and his motley crew
And where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) and where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) sleep ( Infinitive ) tonight?

And you're singing ( Present Continuous ) the songs
Thinking ( Gerund ) this is the life
And you wake up ( Present Simple ) in the morning and your head feel     
( Present Simple ) twice the size
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ? Where you gonna
( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ?
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) sleep ( Infinitive ) tonight?

And you're singing ( Present Continuous ) the songs
Thinking ( Gerund ) this is the life
And you wake up ( Present Simple ) in the morning and your head feel        
( Present Simple ) twice the size
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ? Where you gonna
( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ?
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) sleep ( Infinitive ) tonight?
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) sleep ( Infinitive ) tonight?

And you're singing ( Present Continuous ) the songs
Thinking ( Gerund ) this is the life
And you wake up ( Present Simple ) in the morning and your head feel       
( Present Simple ) twice the size
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ? Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ?
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) sleep ( Infinitive ) tonight?

And you're singing ( Present Continuous ) the songs
Thinking ( Gerund ) this is the life
And you wake up ( Present Simple ) in the morning and your head feel       
( Present Simple ) twice the size
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ? Where you gonna
( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ?
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) sleep ( Infinitive ) tonight?

And you're singing ( Present Continuous ) the songs
Thinking ( Gerund ) this is the life
And you wake up ( Present Simple ) in the morning and your head feel       
( Present Simple ) twice the size
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ? Where you gonna
( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ?
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) sleep ( Infinitive ) tonight?

And you're singing ( Present Continuous ) the songs
Thinking ( Gerund ) this is the life
And you wake up ( Present Simple ) in the morning and your head feel       
( Present Simple ) twice the size
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ? Where you gonna
( Present Continuous ) go ( Infinitive ) ?
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) sleep ( Infinitive ) tonight?
Where you gonna ( Present Continuous ) sleep ( Infinitive ) tonight?

Hello Goodbye – The Beatles

You say ( Present Simple ) yes, I say ( Present Simple ) no.
You say ( Present Simple ) stop ( Imperative ) and I say ( Present Simple ) go go go ( Imperative ) , oh no.
You say ( Present Simple ) goodbye and I say ( Present Simple ) hello
Hello hello
I don’t know ( Present Simple )( Present Simple )  why you say
( Present Simple ) goodbye, I say ( Present Simple ) hello
Hello hello
I don’t know ( Present Simple )( Imperative ) why you say ( Present Simple ) goodbye, I say ( Present Simple ) hello

I say ( Present Simple ) high, you say ( Present Simple ) low
You say ( Present Simple ) why and I say ( Present Simple ) I don't know     
( Present Simple ) , oh no
You say ( Present Simple ) goodbye and I say ( Present Simple ) hello
(Hello Goodbye Hello Goodbye) hello hello
(Hello Goodbye) I don’t know ( Present Simple )why you say ( Present Simple ) goodbye, I say ( Present Simple ) hello
(Hello Goodbye Hello Goodbye) hello hello
(Hello Goodbye) I don’t know ( Present Simple )why you say ( Present Simple ) goodbye
(Hello Goodbye) I say ( Present Simple ) hello

Why why why why why why do you say ( Present Simple ) goodbye goodbye, oh no?

You say ( Present Simple ) goodbye and I say ( Present Simple ) hello
Hello hello
I don’t know ( Present Simple )why you say ( Present Simple ) goodbye, I say
( Present Simple ) hello
Hello hello
I don’t know ( Present Simple )why you say ( Present Simple ) goodbye, I say
( Present Simple ) hello

You say ( Present Simple ) yes (I say ( Present Simple ) "yes") I say
( Present Simple ) no (but I may mean no.)
You say ( Present Simple ) stop (I can stay) and I say ( Present Simple ) go go go (till it's time to go ), oh no no
You say ( Present Simple ) goodbye and I say ( Present Simple ) hello
Hello hello
I don’t know ( Present Simple )why you say ( Present Simple ) goodbye, I say
( Present Simple ) hello
Hello hello
I don’t know ( Present Simple )why you say ( Present Simple ) goodbye, I say
( Present Simple ) hello
Hello hello
I don’t know ( Present Simple )why you say ( Present Simple ) goodbye, I say
( Present Simple ) hello hello

Hela hey helloa
Hela hey helloa Cha Cha Cha
Hela hey helloa Whooo
Hela hey helloa Hela
Hela hey helloa Cha Cha Cha
Hela hey helloa Whooo
Hela hey helloa Cha Cha
Hela hey helloa

The Big Bang Theory theme - Barenaked Ladies

"Our whole universe was ( Past Simple ) in a hot dense state,
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started ( Past Simple ). Wait
( Imperative ) ...
The Earth began ( Past Simple ) to cool ( Infinitive ) ,
The autotrophs began ( Past Simple ) to drool ( Infinitive ),
Neanderthals developed ( Past Simple ) tools,
We built ( Past Simple ) a wall (we built ( Past Simple ) the pyramids),
Maths, science, history, unraveling ( Gerund ) the mystery,
That all started ( Past Simple ) with the big bang! BANG!

Rivers Of Babylon - Boney M.

By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat (Past Simple ) down
Ye-eah we wept (Past Simple ), when we remembered ( Past Simple ) Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat (Past Simple ) down
Ye-eah we wept (Past Simple ), when we remembered ( Past Simple ) Zion.
When the wicked
Carried ( Past Simple ) us away in captivity
Required ( Past Simple ) from us a song
Now how shall we sing ( Future ) the lord's song in a strange land
When the wicked
Carried ( Past Simple ) us away in captivity
Required ( Past Simple ) from us a song
Now how shall we sing ( Future ) the lord's song in a strange land
Let ( Imperative )  the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart
Be ( Imperative ) acceptable in thy sight here tonight
Let ( Imperative ) the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts
Be ( Imperative ) acceptable in thy sight here tonight
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat (Past Simple ) down
Ye-eah we wept (Past Simple ), when we remembered ( Past Simple ) Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat (Past Simple ) down
Ye-eah we wept (Past Simple ), when we remembered ( Past Simple ) Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat (Past Simple ) down
Ye-eah we wept (Past Simple ), when we remembered ( Past Simple ) Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat (Past Simple ) down
Ye-eah we wept (Past Simple ), when we remembered ( Past Simple ) Zion.
 (Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat (Past Simple ) down
Ye-eah we wept (Past Simple ), when we remembered ( Past Simple ) Zion.
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat (Past Simple ) down
Ye-eah we wept (Past Simple ), when we remembered ( Past Simple ) Zion.

 (Ooh, have ( Imperative )  the power)

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